Interpersonal Skills Including Communication Skills Notes In Hindi Pdf

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  4. Interpersonal Communication Book Pdf Free

Comprehensive CSAT Manual Pdf Content: Unit 1 Chapter 1: Decision Making and Problem Solving, Interpersonal Skills and Communication Skills Introduction What’s At Stake? Problem Solving VS. Decision Making Problem-Solving Model Step 1: Identify the Problem. Step 2: Explore Alternatives Techniques for Generating Alternatives. Jun 24, 2020 Interpersonal communication skills are increasingly valued by employers in every industry. Regardless of what type of career you are looking to enter, your ability to work well with your colleagues and employer may make a good impression and result in positive career growth. 3 The skills of interpersonal communication 33 4 Communication skills in context 57 Section B: Understanding the components of interpersonal communication 5 The social context 79 6 Social identity 107 7 Social perception 127 8 Codes 149 Section C: Moving beyond the interpersonal 9 Communication.

Interpersonal skills are inherently relational and process oriented; they are the effect communication has on another person such as relieving anxiety or establishing a trusting relationship. Jun 24, 2020 Interpersonal communication is the process of face-to-face exchange of thoughts, ideas, feelings and emotions between two or more people. This includes both verbal and nonverbal elements of personal interaction. If you aren't sure how to show your interpersonal skills on a resume, you can get professional help with our resume feedback questionnaire.

spoken language for proper and effective interpersonal communication. For this reason, these capabilities are often called LSRW skills. LSRW. Language is never learnt. It is acquired. If one want to acquire language, he/she should follow natural way of learning things. See how. Communication skillsCommunication skills LSRW(Listening,LSRW(Listening, Speaking, ReadingSpeaking, Reading and Writing)and Writing).

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The four major formal communicative skills are known as LSRW.

Developing The Four Essential Skills–Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing

One is to understand what one hears. Listening attentively as well as assimilating the information is communicatiln important for effective communication. The way one listens reveals ones attitude. Listener’s response to the message interest, empathy, boredom etc.

The power to comprehend the delivered information quickly is the need of the hour. Effective listening skill is required for a professional as it is one of the basic and most important skills needed for activities such as interviews, group discussions, meetings etc. Communicationn is the most frequently required skill in professional and social spheres?

It is Effective Speaking. Effective speaking is but the ability to express one’s message effectively to the audience through spoken words.

The delivery of messages is possible through both face-to-face communication and electronic devices. This skill is very much required for communicating in conferences, meetings, seminars, group discussions etc.

Developing The Four Essential Skills–Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing – Blog – Englishmate

The act of effective reading requires the skills of decoding and comprehending the written message. Thus reading is a complex skill. The reader has to develop different skills such as vocabulary, fast reading, and intensive reading. Fast reading skills include; a scanning, and, b skimming. Intensive reading includes; a thorough reading, and, b inferential skills. When we write fommunication a graphic element on a piece of paperit becomes a written document.

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This written communication is the second form of communication which is transmitted through words. Effective writing skills are required to write documents such as reports, letters, memos and emails. Why written communication is more important than oral communication? Because it is a permanent record of one’s transactions, and it can be referred to at any point of time. Only practice can perfect the writing skill.

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For effective writing, one must write, rewrite, and finally learn to edit. Newer Post Communicaton Post Home. Johnson 8 Drama 21 Dryden 14 E. Drama 24 English Lit.

Essays 6 English Lit. Poetry essays 1 Ethics 5 Evelyn Waugh 1 F.

Negotiation is a method by which people settle differences. It is a process by which compromise or agreement is reached while avoiding argument and dispute.

Interpersonal skills including communication skills notes in hindi pdf file

In any disagreement, individuals understandably aim to achieve the best possible outcome for their position (or perhaps an organisation they represent). However, the principles of fairness, seeking mutual benefit and maintaining a relationship are the keys to a successful outcome.

Specific forms of negotiation are used in many situations: international affairs, the legal system, government, industrial disputes or domestic relationships as examples. However, general negotiation skills can be learned and applied in a wide range of activities. Negotiation skills can be of great benefit in resolving any differences that arise between you and others.

Stages of Negotiation

In order to achieve a desirable outcome, it may be useful to follow a structured approach to negotiation. For example, in a work situation a meeting may need to be arranged in which all parties involved can come together.

Creative webcam vf0330 driver windows 10. The process of negotiation includes the following stages:

  1. Preparation
  2. Discussion
  3. Clarification of goals
  4. Negotiate towards a Win-Win outcome
  5. Agreement
  6. Implementation of a course of action

1. Preparation

Before any negotiation takes place, a decision needs to be taken as to when and where a meeting will take place to discuss the problem and who will attend. Setting a limited time-scale can also be helpful to prevent the disagreement continuing.

Interpersonal Skills Including Communication Skills Notes In Hindi Pdf File

This stage involves ensuring all the pertinent facts of the situation are known in order to clarify your own position. In the work example above, this would include knowing the ‘rules’ of your organisation, to whom help is given, when help is not felt appropriate and the grounds for such refusals. Your organisation may well have policies to which you can refer in preparation for the negotiation.

Undertaking preparation before discussing the disagreement will help to avoid further conflict and unnecessarily wasting time during the meeting.

2. Discussion

During this stage, individuals or members of each side put forward the case as they see it, i.e. their understanding of the situation.

Key skills during this stage include questioning, listening and clarifying.

Sometimes it is helpful to take notes during the discussion stage to record all points put forward in case there is need for further clarification. It is extremely important to listen, as when disagreement takes place it is easy to make the mistake of saying too much and listening too little. Each side should have an equal opportunity to present their case.

3. Clarifying Goals

From the discussion, the goals, interests and viewpoints of both sides of the disagreement need to be clarified.

It is helpful to list these factors in order of priority. Through this clarification it is often possible to identify or establish some common ground. Clarification is an essential part of the negotiation process, without it misunderstandings are likely to occur which may cause problems and barriers to reaching a beneficial outcome.

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4. Negotiate Towards a Win-Win Outcome

This stage focuses on what is termed a 'win-win' outcome where both sides feel they have gained something positive through the process of negotiation and both sides feel their point of view has been taken into consideration.

A win-win outcome is usually the best result. Although this may not always be possible, through negotiation, it should be the ultimate goal.

Suggestions of alternative strategies and compromises need to be considered at this point. Compromises are often positive alternatives which can often achieve greater benefit for all concerned compared to holding to the original positions.

5. Agreement

Agreement can be achieved once understanding of both sides’ viewpoints and interests have been considered.

It is essential to for everybody involved to keep an open mind in order to achieve an acceptable solution. Any agreement needs to be made perfectly clear so that both sides know what has been decided.

6. Implementing a Course of Action

From the agreement, a course of action has to be implemented to carry through the decision.

See our pages: Strategic Thinking and Action Planning for more information.

Failure to Agree

If the process of negotiation breaks down and agreement cannot be reached, then re-scheduling a further meeting is called for. This avoids all parties becoming embroiled in heated discussion or argument, which not only wastes time but can also damage future relationships.

At the subsequent meeting, the stages of negotiation should be repeated. Any new ideas or interests should be taken into account and the situation looked at afresh. At this stage it may also be helpful to look at other alternative solutions and/or bring in another person to mediate.

See our page on Mediation Skills for more information.

Informal Negotiation

There are times when there is a need to negotiate more informally. At such times, when a difference of opinion arises, it might not be possible or appropriate to go through the stages set out above in a formal manner.

Interpersonal Skills Including Communication Skills Notes In Hindi Pdf Free

Nevertheless, remembering the key points in the stages of formal negotiation may be very helpful in a variety of informal situations.

In any negotiation, the following three elements are important and likely to affect the ultimate outcome of the negotiation:

  1. Attitudes
  2. Knowledge
  3. Interpersonal Skills


All negotiation is strongly influenced by underlying attitudes to the process itself, for example attitudes to the issues and personalities involved in the particular case or attitudes linked to personal needs for recognition.

Always be aware that:

  • Negotiation is not an arena for the realisation of individual achievements.
  • There can be resentment of the need to negotiate by those in authority.
  • Certain features of negotiation may influence a person’s behaviour, for example some people may become defensive.


The more knowledge you possess of the issues in question, the greater your participation in the process of negotiation. In other words, good preparation is essential.

Do your homework and gather as much information about the issues as you can.

Furthermore, the way issues are negotiated must be understood as negotiating will require different methods in different situations.

Interpersonal Skills

Good interpersonal skills are essential for effective negotiations, both in formal situations and in less formal or one-to-one negotiations.

These skills include:

  • Effective verbal communication.
    See our pages: Verbal Communication and Effective Speaking.
  • Listening.
    We provide a lot of advice to help you improve your listening skills, see our page Active Listening.
  • Reducing misunderstandings is a key part of effective negotiation.
    See our pages: Reflection, Clarification and The Ladder of Inference for more information.
  • Rapport Building.
    Build stronger working relationships based on mutual respect. See our pages: Building Rapport and How to be Polite.
  • Problem Solving.
    See our section on effective Problem Solving.
  • Decision Making.
    Learn some simple techniques to help you make better decisions, see our section: Decision Making.
  • Assertiveness.
    Assertiveness is an essential skill for successful negotiation. See our page: Assertiveness Techniques for more information.
  • Dealing with Difficult Situations.
    See our page: Communicating in Difficult Situations for some tips and advice to make difficult communications, easier.

Further Reading from Skills You Need

Interpersonal Skills Including Communication Skills Notes In Hindi Pdf 2021 Free

Interpersonal Skills Examples

Learn more about how to effectively resolve conflict and mediate personal relationships at home, at work and socially.

Our eBooks are ideal for anyone who wants to learn about or develop their interpersonal skills and are full of easy-to-follow, practical information.

Continue to:
Negotiation in Action
Persuasion and Influencing Skills

Interpersonal Skills Including Communication Skills Notes In Hindi Pdf 2021 Free

See also:
Transactional Analysis
Assertiveness Peer Negotiation Skills
7 Tips for Negotiating a Better Salary
Top Emotional Sales Negotiation Tactics You Need to Know

HomeUPSCHow to Prepare Interpersonal Skills Including Communication Skills for Civil Services Prelims

Interpersonal skills are the skills that a person uses to interact with other people. It is also sometimes called communication skills. Positive interpersonal skills increase the productivity of the organization since the number of conflicts are reduced. It also allows communication to be easy and comfortable.

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Some ways to improve interpersonal skills are:

  1. Think positive and maintain good relationship.
  2. Do not criticize others or yourself and be patient.
  3. Develop the practice of listening; 80% listening and 20% talking is excellent.
  4. Be sensitive to others and treat others and their experience with respect.
  5. Praise and compliment the people and subordinates when they deserve it.
  6. Be cheerful and make the people smile.
  7. Do not complain and look for solutions.
  8. Treat your team members and colleagues as friends and not as strangers or subordinates.

Communication: Communication is the transfer of information from a sender to a receiver. Communication is generally understood as spoken or written words. But in reality, it is more than that. It is the sum total of directly or indirectly, unconsciously or consciously transmitted words, attitudes, feelings, actions, gestures and tones. A slight lift in the brow is often more expressive disapproval than hundreds of words put together.

The importance of communication in administration can be judged from the following points:

  1. Communication is required to disseminate the goals and the objectives of the organization.
  2. It helps the administration in arriving at vital decisions.
  3. Communication helps in planning and coordination.
  4. It is a tool of supervision and control.
  5. It is a basic tool for motivation and an increase in the morale of the employees.
  6. It bolsters the maintenance of good human relations in the organization.


  1. You are a teacher in a University and are setting a question paper on a particular subject. One of your colleagues, whose son is preparing for the examination on that subject, comes to you and informs you that it is his son’s last chance to pass that examination and whether you could help him by indicating what questions are going to be in the examination. In the past, your colleague had helped you in another matter. Your colleague informs you that his son will suffer from depression if he fails in this examination. In such circumstances, what would you do?

(a) In view of the help he had given you, extend your help to him.

(b) Regret that you cannot be of any help to him.

(c) Explain to your colleague that this would be violating the trust of the University authorities and you are not in a position to help him.

(d) Report the conduct of your colleague to the higher authorities.

  1. While travelling in a Delhi-registered commercial taxi from Delhi to an adjacent city (another State), your taxi driver informs you that as he has no permit for running the taxi in that city, he will stop at its Transport Office and pay the prescribed fee of Rs. forty for a day. While paying the fee at the counter you find that the transport clerk is taking an extra fifty rupees for which no receipt is being given. You are in a hurry for your meeting. In such circumstances, what would you do?

(a) Go up to the counter and ask the clerk to give back the money which he has illegally taken.

(b) Do not interfere at all as this is a matter between the taxi driver and the tax authorities.

(c) Take note of the incident and subsequently report the matter to the concerned authorities.

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(d) Treat it as a normal affair and simply forget about it.